Interested in seed saving and want to learn more? 🌱
Join our Seed Saving in Scotland Online Training! 🌞
* This training takes place over two dates in February from 11am-2pm*
Day 1: Saturday, 1st Feb
Day 2: Saturday, 8th Feb
Purchasing one ticket gives you to access to both training days.
If you’re a commercial or community grower in Scotland and have been feeling the call to work more closely with seed, this is your opportunity.
Completing our intro training gives you access to our year-long comprehensive seed production training and many more continued learning opportunities.
The training covers topics including:
Seed production theory in Scotland
Heritage Scottish vegetables
History of seed production in the UK
Integrating seed production into your rotation and workload in a market garden context
Seed production case studies
Free bursary tickets are available for low and unwaged people.
See you there! 🫘
If you have any questions, get in contact via